Sunday, July 28, 2013

Old blog, retrieved from archive

This blog had long been relegated to the category of missing and, perhaps, forgotten. After looking at the pictures, I decided it might be worth giving the whole thing a new look. With that in mind, here goes...

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Having Chinese with Oma and Opa before heading to Horseshoe Bay.

Do these guys look like they know what they are doing?!


The beach Willy promised was not to be found: LOW TIDE!

Elisabeth (is it her?) is brave enough to come out in the kayak.

Having a bite to eat on Newcastle Island.


We've had something to eat: it's time to kayak again.

Harry looks lost... Gabi looks like she's lost something...

Who is next in the kayak?

Gabi, put the lifejacket on in case we tip over.

Bon voyage!

Lilo was out fishing all morning!


What is it they say about too many cooks?

Now this is what a vacation is supposed to look like! Chez Kampingplatz Glenayr Drive.

What we have here is a few quiet hours in the shade of the plum tree exchanging lies.

Gabi, count them. These are 2 FINGERS, NOT 2 STICKS! ;-)

Kosmonauts just prior to entering the space capsule...

Keeping a look-out for whales.


More whales! (Off the San Juan Islands in the USA)


Gabi und Steffen... Wer hat die nasse Hosen?

Willy und Elisabeth...

Willy... What? Is he talking again? Still?!

Willy whale watching

Willy whale watching

Christian, the crazy Bootfahrer.

Buying a few "Andenken" in Gastown before we head for the airport.